Shining Light blog

Shining Light on Life

Accepting Toxic Thoughts Creates Twisted Forests in Nervous System

Toxic forest of Tress

We don’t need to accept toxic thoughts   Toxic thoughts create Toxic Forests in the mind   Dr. Carolyn Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, has been researching the brain since 1981. She explains that toxic memories take up space and affect the way you think as well as the way the brain functions. If you accept […]

The Effects of Love on Bunnies

Love & Bunnies

Oh, the power of love!  Odes and sonnets have been written, yet the power of love to heal is just beginning to be researched by science. Here is a favorite story that astonished the scientific community in the 1970’s. This is an excerpt from Deepak Chopra’s Quantum Healing: “An Ohio University study of heart disease in […]