Shining Light blog

Shining Light on Life

Gratitude can change your Attitude

Attitude changes things

Some of us have complaining minds. Whether your mind just likes to vent (get someone to listen), looks for sympathy, or ruminates obsessively about a problem, all these tendencies are unhealthy to your mind and body. Quantum physics has demonstrated that merely observing (noticing; turning our attention to) something, we bring it into being. Reality […]

Appreciation: The Aim of Life

Appreciation changes life

G.K. Chesterton said, “The aim of life is appreciation.” It has been shown that the deeper your ability to appreciate, the more access you have to your intuition and inspiration. HeartMath research has shown that a practice of appreciation is an “effective way to improve mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Appreciation is related to […]